MS Stagging Drawings
1x5 KL MS Staging for Polyethylene tank Part I
1x5 KL MS Staging for Polyethylene tank Part II
2x5 KL MS Staging for Polyethylene tank Part I
2x5 KL MS Staging for Polyethylene tank Part II
RCC Over Head Tank Drawings

Formats for Submission of Monthly Account
List of Account Submitted to Accountant General M.P., Bhopal (Form- 83)
Form- 80
Schedule of revenue receipt (Form- 46)
Cash Balance (Form-5)
Schedule of work expenditure (Form-74 & 64)
Schedule of deposit (Form-65 & 79)
Schedule of credit/ debit to remittance (Form-77)
Schedule of debit/ credit to adjusting accounts between central and state govt. (Form-77A)
Details account of credit / debit and balance of purchase (Form-69)
Schedule of misc. P.W. advance (Form-70)
Schedule of debit to stock (Form-72)
Stock Accounts (Form-73)
Abstract schedule of cash settlement suspense account (Form-76A)
Schedule Docket (Form-61)
List of Gazetted Officer
Annual Certificate of balance (Form-91)